One of the biggest fears of any kid, teen, or adult when going to a dentist is potentially having a cavity. While cavities are fairly common, there are a lot of ways we can prevent them from forming. Outside of dental health, procedures like sealants can help prevent cavities. One of the most important things you can do is set up two dental appointments a year. Seeing the dentist twice a year decreases the risk of a cavity forming and getting worse over months and months without invention. If you live in the Lewiston Maine area, contact us to set up a dental visit.

What Are Dental Sealants?
The best ways to prevent cavities are by brushing and flossing every single day. Combined with a good diet and regular trips to the dentist, you and your children can effectively prevent tooth decay. But there are other procedures dentists recommend that can help strengthen teeth. For example, fluoride treatments are often recommended for kids and teens to provide extra protection and strength for teeth. By contrast, dental sealants are used primarily for the molars. While fluoride can be used to treat all of your teeth, a sealant is a thin coating applied to the chewing surfaces of our back teeth. This is because the natural indents in these teeth are especially vulnerable to the formation of cavities. Our back molars can frequently get food stuck in them which can lead to cavity-forming bacteria. By adding a protective layer on top of the molars we can decrease this risk.
When Can My Child Get Dental Sealants?
Children can begin to get dental sealants around age 6. Once the first set of molars comes in, dental sealants can be used. Dentists recommend that sealants be applied as soon as the new molars come in. Generally, most kids get their first set of molars around age 6 and their second set around age 12. Dental sealants are not recommended for primary (baby) teeth as they teeth will fall out naturally over time. Because of this they are only used for adult molars as they erupt through the gums.
Should My Child Get Dental Sealants?
It is highly recommended that children and teens get dental sealants. Because of the particular vulnerability our molars have from dental decay, dental sealants are vital in protecting teeth and preventing issues down the road. Adults can also get dental sealants if they are at risk of getting cavities. Sealants last for around 10 years so if you received them as a kid it may be beneficial to have them reapplied as an adult.
Make A Dental Appointment in Lewiston Maine
If you live in the Lewiston Maine area or in the surrounding towns and would like to make a dental appointment for your family, please give us a call. We would be happy to set up a dental appointment with your family at our location in Lewiston.
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